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Placement Insights – Henley student shows entrepreneurial mindset

How can you create a work placement opportunity to improve your sector knowledge and gain valuable experience? Second year BA Business and Management student Cameron Fairbank tells us how he secured this chance. Continue reading Placement Insights – Henley student shows entrepreneurial mindset

How can you Develop a Good Work Schedule?

A good working schedule is very important for every student because it will set up your university career, as well as prepare you for the professional world. However, it’s not always as easy for everyone to automatically develop a good working schedule, but that is ok! This blog will help break down the most important factors of developing a good work schedule for you to then follow. Continue reading How can you Develop a Good Work Schedule?

Thinking of Pursuing a Business/Management Postgrad from a Humanity Undergrad?

Are you unsure about pursuing a Masters in a different subject to your Undergrad? Don’t be! By the end of this blog, you will feel confident in applying for whatever Masters you are passionate to do and have an eagerness to learn about. Lots of undergrad degrees provide students with transferable skills that they can take further in whatever subject, or even career path, so you would be able to apply to do a Business Masters from a humanity degree. Continue reading Thinking of Pursuing a Business/Management Postgrad from a Humanity Undergrad?

How to Move Forward when you Feel Stuck

We’ve all been there. Your job has become stale and uninteresting. You’re under increasing pressure to deliver more with less. People are coming and going, the culture is shifting. It’s not quite what it once was. You know you don’t want to stay in this role (possibly not even this organisation) for much longer. But it’s not the right time to jump ship… So what do you do? Continue reading How to Move Forward when you Feel Stuck